(I mean if you must ask...let's just say that you'll be wishing you did it sooner!)
I want to say that the PRO's outweigh the CON's. However, it really starts with selecting the right hair extensions professional so she/he can select the best method for you based on your unique DNA.
Here is a generic-ish blog, if you're just curious and not sure about the commitment.
Can add length and fullness to your natural hair
Can be used to add highlights or lowlights without using chemicals
Can be styled and treated like natural hair
Can be easily removed
Can completely change your life and helps build confidence
Can help grow out a bad hair cut
Can help break you out of wearing your hair up all the time
Can give you a "style" and a volume/length that are flattering to your profile/features
Can cause damage to your natural hair, especially if not applied or maintained properly
May require frequent maintenance, such as tightening or removal and reattachment
May not blend well with your natural hair, especially if the color or texture is significantly different
Can be uncomfortable to wear, especially if the extensions are applied using a method that puts pressure on the scalp
Can be time-consuming to apply and remove
Wondering is hair extensions are for you? We love to talk hair... extensions!
Call or text 410-397-7966.
Looking to expedite the process?
Visit www.studio-she.com and fill out the new guest application form.