Are you being told not to let your hair extensions air dry? Are you not sure what to do with your hair extensions when they're wet? Let's talk about what you can and can't do while your hair extensions are wet.
Let's start with the do's... You CAN let your hair extensions air dry! In fact it's healthier to just let your hair and hair extensions do their thing! If your stylist is working correctly it should be easier to have hair extensions and let them air dry with your natural hair, and they should blend seamlessly!
We find our clients tend to wear their hair natural more when they have more hair and love their hair!

What you can't do is... go to bed with wet hair and brush when wet! This may seem unrealistic but trust me when I say it is 100% healthier for your hair and you get used it it!
Going to bed with wet hair can cause tangling and matting, you either want to 100% air dry your hair or blow dry before bed!
Brushing when wet... Your hair is weak when it's wet and can stretch up to 45% if you were to brush it. But if you wait until it's at least 75% dry, either from air drying for blow drying your in the clear and won't damage the hair! Just be sure to to brush from ends and work your way up!
Having hair extensions can actually be time saving, learn how to work with your hair and what products work best! An find what hair styles you like to do while your hair is wet... I like braids to give my hair a loose wave and zero heat!
Take the next step towards fabulous hair!
Book your free consultation at Studio She today and let us help you achieve the confidence you deserve.
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